Here’s the kicker: It’s not running macOS but Google’s Chrome OS Flex. It performs said duties reliably and speedily using a current, cutting-edge operating system. Tucked into a corner of the attic where I have my office and gym, Frankie’s Mac mini has a spot of honor atop a standing desk, where I use it for Web browsing, messaging, and video-streaming (with my brother’s modest display, a wired keyboard and trackball, and my beloved Apple iPod Hi-Fi boombox to complete the hardware setup). In recent weeks, however, I find myself using it every day.

However, I couldn’t find a compelling use for his increasingly sluggish Mac, so I set it aside. Initially inclined to donate the computer, I decided to keep it as a reminder of the Apple-obsessed Frankie. When my brother was killed in 2017, I inherited his Apple setup, including a 2012 Mac mini. Revitalize an Elderly Mac with Google’s Chrome OS Flex 1646: Security-focused OS updates, Photos Workbench review, Mastodon client wishlist, Apple-related conferences.